The latest from ACR Heat Products
Fear of steep energy bill rises
The BBC News Website today wrote that domestic UK energy bills could rise by up to 60% over the next 7 years in a worst case scenario identified by the energy regulator. However most other estimates from a Ofgem report would see prices rising between 14% and 25% above the rate of inflation by 2020.
Whichever way you want to interpret this report, it seems fairly certain that energy bills will be increasing dramatically over the next few years. This will undoubtably mean that more and more people will resort to installing alternative forms of heating such as woodstoves and solar power in an attempt to reduce the amount of money being spent on gas and electricity within the home. We saw a massive increase in sales of woodstoves in the winter of 2008-2009 due to the rises in gas and electricity and would anticipate that this increase will continue for the forseeable future as home owners try to protect themselves from being reliant on just one or two forms of power to heat their homes.